
Showing posts from 2011

Last Post for 2011

This is the last post for 2011 and we wish all the people we have worked with the best of christmas breaks and looking forward to working together again in 2012. We will have some extra things to offer and look to make the most of our opportunities in the year ahead. Martha and Peter


To Emma Smythe for receiving an Outstanding Learner Award, and to Lisa Gray, our main trainer, on receiving an Exceptional Adult Educator award; at this years Adult Learners' Week He Tāngata Mātauranga.

We're Stepping Up

We are delighted that we will be offering Stepping Up  next year to complement our work with Computers In Homes. Stepping Up  will be offered to our Computer In Homes Graduates after they have had a while to know what they would love to do next. This could be downloading images from a digital camera to the computer Learning to burn a CD or DVD. Editing photos in Picassa,  and many more things. Great eh. I know Martha and Lisa are really excited about this.

Our October 2011 Graduation

We had yet another wonderful graduation event on Thursday 6th October. We ran out of chairs and our space was absolutely full. It is fantastic to see so many whanau members supporting their trainees.  Enjoy the photos! Many thanks to Makoura College for the venue, and to Ronald, Jo, Sandy and Wendel for making the presentations. That's 71 graduates in total now! Peter and Martha Reward for a great effort Packed with family, friends and employers! Fantastic... YES! 4th Graduation Cake Martha and Peter sorting things before the start.

Graduations today - Yay!

Tonight we graduate another 23 people. It is just wonderful to see the progress we have made. Special thanks to the team who have made this happen, especially Martha and Lisa. Also to the tech team from Computer Partners who have given a lot of 'quiet' support, AND none of this could have happened without the vision, skill and passion of the 2020 Communication Trust and the Computer In Homes crew; Laurence, Di and Naiki! More of the graduation soon. Our Coordinator preparing the computers for the graduation!

Courses for 3rd term

This term I have started 3 day classes which are underway now. Tuesday and Wednesday @ 12 - 2.30pm and Friday morning 9.30 - 12pm so we have 24 people underway. They will graduate October 6th 2011. There will be no classes for Masterton during Term 4, but we will be organising participants to begin in February 2012. Also we hope to be starting 3 classes in Pahiatua soon which they will overlap  into the last term when they will graduate.

Makoura Graduation 2nd term

At this graduation we had Te Kura Kaupapa, Ko Te Aroha and Makoura graduates. It was a packed house, beautiful atmosphere. The feedback from the whanau supporters was great and the students got up to speak which was good and they said the same as the Lakeview graduates . Here is an example, one father said if it wasn't for this course to teach him even how to turn on a computer he wouldn't of bothered about it only because his 6yr old son kept telling him he had to get one to help him with his school work. Also the kai was yummy. Our awesome C.I.H. cake Principal Pirihira Haira Of Te Kura Kaupapa O Wairarapa presenting Raewyn and Adrian Thompson with their  C.I.H.certificates. Chairman of Ko Te Aroha, Peter McNeur presenting Marata Ihaia with her C.I.H. certificate.                                              ...

Lakeview Graduation

We had 15 people that graduated on the 12th July 12 receiving computers and 3 did the training. The feedback from the students was they had learnt more than they have ever known and they found the tutor Lisa Gray was awesome to work with she was very understanding and they would do another computer course with her any day. We had a awesome turnout and the kai was yummy. This is our awesome C.I.H. cake No 2 Councillor Chris Peterson presenting Isobel Rogers with her C.I.H. certificate.                                                                                                                                           ...

Up and coming graduations

We are having two graduation celebrations next week! The cakes are being baked, the computers prepared and we are really looking forward to these events. Lakeview School: Tuesday 12th July 3pm Makoura College: (Includes graduations for Kura Kaupapa Māori o Wairarapa and Ko Te Aroha people) Tuesday 12th July 6pm Reports and photos soon

Laurence Zwimpher Awarded NZ Order of Merit

Laurence Zwimpher , the man behind the Computer In Homes scheme was today awarded the NZ Order of Merit for his services to Information Technology. Laurence has been involved in the 2020 Trust since its existence, and has been at the forefront of advancing peoples access to technology for many years. I worked with him in the mid 90's when he was ensuring that schools were understanding how the importance of being able to access the internet. Well done Laurence!

Internet access still a problem

Access to the internet is still a major problem for many residents and participants of the Computers In Homes programme. We are working on a range of solutions that we hope will be affordable. Any questions about this, please contact Peter on 06 377 1379.

Term 2 Classes going very well!

Term two sees one class at Makoura College on Monday night, two classes at Ko Te Aroha and one at Lakeview School. Trainer Lisa Gray says "Its full on this term, but the students are doing really well." CIH Coordinator Martha Manaena says "the day training facility at Ko Te Aroha has been a real bonus, and has ensured that a wide range of people have been able to participate in the programme."

First Graduation a Wonderful Event

On 12th April the first Wairarapa graduation took place at Makoura College. 8 families graduated and received their computers. The graduates were so proud of their achievements and were delighted to receive their computers. Some of the photos from the evening are included.

Classes Are Going Well!

Here are a couple of photos from the current class at Makoura College.