
Showing posts from August, 2011

Courses for 3rd term

This term I have started 3 day classes which are underway now. Tuesday and Wednesday @ 12 - 2.30pm and Friday morning 9.30 - 12pm so we have 24 people underway. They will graduate October 6th 2011. There will be no classes for Masterton during Term 4, but we will be organising participants to begin in February 2012. Also we hope to be starting 3 classes in Pahiatua soon which they will overlap  into the last term when they will graduate.

Makoura Graduation 2nd term

At this graduation we had Te Kura Kaupapa, Ko Te Aroha and Makoura graduates. It was a packed house, beautiful atmosphere. The feedback from the whanau supporters was great and the students got up to speak which was good and they said the same as the Lakeview graduates . Here is an example, one father said if it wasn't for this course to teach him even how to turn on a computer he wouldn't of bothered about it only because his 6yr old son kept telling him he had to get one to help him with his school work. Also the kai was yummy. Our awesome C.I.H. cake Principal Pirihira Haira Of Te Kura Kaupapa O Wairarapa presenting Raewyn and Adrian Thompson with their  C.I.H.certificates. Chairman of Ko Te Aroha, Peter McNeur presenting Marata Ihaia with her C.I.H. certificate.                                              ...

Lakeview Graduation

We had 15 people that graduated on the 12th July 12 receiving computers and 3 did the training. The feedback from the students was they had learnt more than they have ever known and they found the tutor Lisa Gray was awesome to work with she was very understanding and they would do another computer course with her any day. We had a awesome turnout and the kai was yummy. This is our awesome C.I.H. cake No 2 Councillor Chris Peterson presenting Isobel Rogers with her C.I.H. certificate.                                                                                                                                           ...