TERM 2 - Kia Ora everyone this term has been a bit of a topsy turvy for our CIH classes due to the number of people that sign up and then we have bit of a drop off due to people finding part time or full time jobs or otherwise they can't do mornings or afternoons only evenings but we still manage to have 2 classes up and running. At this moment we have a CIH class in Featherston which we had 6 signed up but 2 pulled off for work commitments so that leaves us with 4 to graduate. We have a CIH class also at Douglas Park School with a class of 8 which is good. The Graduation for these classes are : Fstn Tues 30th June @ 4 30pm @ Fstn School, DPS Mon 29th June @ Douglas Park School 4 30pm. Stepping Up - At this moment we have a class running on a Friday morning @ Ko Te Aroha and we have people going there because they have forgotten what they learnt from the first course. INTERNET - Everyone has there ups and downs with this one we have had a lot of minor problems with this one li...