TERM 1 - Hari Tau Hou tangata katoa (Happy New Year Everyone ). Its 2016 first NCCG coming up for the start of the year, Okay for the Wairarapa Area we have 2 classes up and running at this moment Morning & Afternoon and on the same day also we are looking possibly at this moment for doing a Evening class some people are unable to attend during the day due to other commitments. The classes are being held at our Hub Place (Ko Te Aroha) at this moment. Morning Class - 8 Afternoon - 7 Stepping Up - trying to rally up all the ones that have not done this program i have had a few approach me which is good. Graduation will be held 11th April for Term 1 graduates so at this moment we are slowly but surely getting there.
2016 nearly coming to a end. For Computers in Homes in the Wairarapa we have had a pretty topsy turvy sort of registrations in the last 4 terms numbers fluctuate but we still prod along. TERM 1 - We graduated 11 people TERM 2 - 32 people TERM 3 - 8 people TERM 4 - 7 people. The 7 people in Term 4 will be graduating on 6th Dec held at Reap House. I look at it, it's all about working around the parents so they can attend the course even if it means i have to pick them up and take them home i don't mind thats all part an parcel of what we do . Out of the 7 - 5 people have signed up for the internet 4 on UFB and 1 for NB also i have 1 who has come in from the Term 3 group to sign up on internet also . HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. Be safe wherever you go and whatever you do. This beautiful lady Sonia reckons she was on to it with all the plug in connections it was part of what they had to do so when they uplift there computer to take home they know how to put it to...
Well its that time again for 2013 so bring it on. For Term 1 we have already started our "Stepping Up" program Tuesday evenings 6 - 8.30pm and Thursday afternoon 12.30 - 2.45pm, still at Ko Te Aroha. I have got 16 registered for this program at the moment. At the end of last year I had one lady do 11 modules! We are hoping to start our normal CIH class this term. Our internet connections are working well at this moment we have connected so many people which is really good. Also this year we are visiting 3 new schools - Masterton Primary, Douglas Park and Chanel College not forgetting our existing schools.
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