Term 3 Graduation

Okay its that time of the year again for our Term 3 graduates but also its going to be a special graduation. We have decided to have our graduation with another group called Adult Learners.
The reason being its Adult Learners Week so we have bought our graduation forward early to coincide with this group which I think they go hand in hand with one another. It is to be held at Frank Cody Lounge (Masterton Town Hall, Frank Cody Lounge) @ 6pm 20th September 2012.
Stepping Up programe is going well with 19 students some have done between 2 - 8 modules which is great as we only do one day a week which it suits a lot of the students.

Next term we will be starting a class for our Pacific Islanders and catch up classes for the Nanny Groups that is beside still carrying on with our Stepping Up Classes, our normal Computers in Homes classes will start back after January 2013.

The internet connections are slowly getting there, we have had 10 sign up on the new plan which makes it a lot easier for our graduates to make their payments.


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